Even when it felt like everything was lining up in training, our 10-year-old daughter realized that her technical and tactical game was not transferring into competition. Although she could not put it into words exactly, Cosmina knew there was something missing from her game. This is when, as parents, we considered reaching out to a mental performance consultant. This was the brightest idea we have ever had because it was, and continues to be, game changing and life changing for our daughter. It is quite extraordinary for Cosmina to be able to talk openly to the MPC on a regular basis and discover all the many aspects of an athlete's life and how to harmoniously combine them to create successful outcomes. People around us thought we were a bit "overboard" thinking a 10-year-old needed to work with a mental performance coach in order to perform; they could not have been more wrong. It is phenomenal to have access to this type of support at any age, and the earlier the better to allow a young athlete to develop the good habits early in life.