Say It

What you say to yourself (in your head or out loud) when you play, practice, or just walk down the fairway (or sit on the bench or in the dugout) will directly affect your performance. This internal dialogue is called Self-Talk.

Simply put, you get more of what you think of. So, you want to score more goals in hockey? Then tell yourself that you are a goal scorer. Repeat it until you believe it and feel it. Here's how to go about it ... Pick three phrases that state in a very positive and powerful way what or who you want to be. These phrases or statements are called Affirmations. An example of three affirmations could be:

"I am a goal scorer"
"I have a hard and accurate shot"
"I shoot at the holes and I shoot to score"

Your affirmations should be written in the present tense, and avoid comparing yourself to others. For example, "I am fast" is a good statement, while "I will be the fastest" compares you to others and is in the future.

Write down your affirmations and repeat these to yourself 10 times a day for the next week and see what happens. I'll bet that your goal scoring ability improves. Why? Your focus is now on the things you want to do, on things that are within your control, and on things that directly affect your performance.

One important factor however, is that self-talk alone will not replace physical ability and practice, but it will enhance your performance. In other words, if I can't shoot a puck for the life of me, telling myself a thousand times a day that I am a goal scorer will not enable me to score more goals. I need to know how to shoot first. Telling myself I am a goal scorer will likely motivate me to practice more, and physical practice will enhance my performance. So if I combine physical practice with positive daily affirmations, I am on my way to becoming a better goal scorer.

The 5 key ingredients to using affirmations are as follows:

  • Select 1-3 affirmations/statements.
  • The affirmations must be positively worded and in the first person.
  • The affirmations must be clear and specific.
  • Repeat these affirmations numerous (10+) times daily. 
  • For maximum impact, write these affirmations down and read them out loud to yourself over and over again. As with all mental skills, it takes practice and repetition.